Krauthammer Spinning Reagan's Legacy...

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Liberty -vs- Tyranny

Ronald Reagan was a very effective communicator as well as an affable gentleman. As a result of this mixture, and his finely honed political skills he became one of our most effective modern day presidents.

Ronald Reagan made us all feel good about America and the classical liberal values upon which it was founded. He gave us a sense of pride and accomplishment after experiencing the malaise, economic insecurities, and doubtfulness of the Carter years.

However, anyone who really understands the Reagan years realizes that his "conservatism" does not squarely align with the current Tea Party movement and whether you disagree with what Jeb Bush said or not there is some truth to it. The record speaks for itself.

I respect Krauthammer's right to his opinion, and more often than not I find myself in agreement with him. But this time it seems that he is acting more the part of a Tea Party republican hack than that of an intellectually honest commentator.

Via: Memeorandum


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